The Challenge
Abrasive machining processes to produce precision surfaces on metal demand precision cooling and that’s where ICS Cool Energy’s specialists design reliable, long life solutions for continuity of production. And often there’s more than one option.
The Solution
A global honing systems manufacturer specialising in systems for the bore sizing industry needed a robust and reliable cooling system for their specialised process.
Using reaming machines to accurately bore holes in different products, the solution also had to be reliable and energy e cient to provide rapid cooling of the equipment in a highly demanding application that places high strain and pressure on the machine’s tool bit.
Two flexible solutions that met the brief were developed by the ICS Cool Energy team following a detailed survey and assessment.
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The Result
Solution 1 proposed that a state of the art packaged high efficiency chiller is placed above a metal holding tanks filled with oil. This allowed the oil to be extracted by the chiller through a side-mounted heat exchanger before returning the precision-cooled oil ready for re-use.
An alternative option was a small, skid-mounted chiller with and oil pump and exchanger skid mounted directly to the chiller. This meant that the system was very close to the home oil tank, ensuring a practically viable method of cooling and recirculating the liquid.
ICS Cool Energy said: “The flexibility of our air cooled chillers formed the foundation for two solutions to be created, offering this customer two unique methods of enhancing their specialist boring processes.”
[testimonial name=”ICS Cool Energy”]Our flexible range of solutions gave this manufacturer two viable cooling options, offering two unique methods of enhancing their specialist boring processes.”[/testimonial]